Sustainability Forums Kauai July 30

Join other concerns residents of Kauai for a lively discussion about sustainability on our beautiful island.

We will have two main speakers:
Ben Sullivan, Energy Coordinator, County of Kauai
Michael Dexter Smith, creator of Twisted Plastics
Glenn Sato, Sustainability Manager, County of Kauai, will be available to make a few comments and answer questions

Sustainability Forums Kauai always enjoys a spirited discussion. The people who attend are genuinely concerned about sustainability on Kauai, including independence from imports for food, alternative energy and other related issues.

Monday July 30
9am – 11am

Sweet Marie’s Hawaii
3-3204 Kuhio Highway

$10 includes brunch

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Our Facebook event for the July 30 Sustainability Forum

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Sustainability Forums Kauai Speakers for July 30
Ben Sullivan Energy Coordinator for the County of Kauai headshot
Ben Sullivan is the Energy Coordinator for the County of Kauai. Previously, he served for three years as one of nine elected Directors to the KIUC Board, the last two years as Chair of KIUC’s Strategic Planning Committee. Ben got involved in Kauai’s renewable energy efforts in 2005 when he co-founded Apollo Kauai, a community group advocating an aggressive transition to clean energy for our island.

Ben has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado’s College of Architecture and Planning and has worked for almost two decades in the field of architecture. He has also worked part time for the local non-profit Malama Kauai and is involved in numerous community projects around the Island. Ben is a husband and father of three and lives in Lawai. 

Michael Dexter Smith head shot
Michael Dexter-Smith is General Partner of Pine Brook Ventures (dba Xtremesoft Inc.) which funds Innovative Software, medical and computer appliance ideas, helps deploy new products and materials, devises and deploys new economic models, and finds and exploits innovative solutions and logistical concepts to removing or repurposing waste and pollution in our world.
As part of Pine Brook Ventures, Michael has established an entity called Twisted Plastics which has three projects underway – the reuse of plastic bags in the third world, the use of plastic bottles to clean streams and rivers of pollutants and the reuse of plastics from the sea, using an accelerant which allows bacteria to more easily breakdown the long strand plastics.
Michael Dexter-Smith is hoping that by devising economically sound, logistical methods and processes to recycling or repurposing that waste can be seen as an asset to exploit, rather than a problem to be buried.

Additional Bios
Glenn Sato
Glenn Sato, former Energy Coordinator for the County of Kaua’i, started his new job as the County’s new Sustainability Manager in September 2011. Glenn has a biology degree from the University of Hawai’i and has worn a variety of hats during his career, including chief biologist; aqua-farm manager; papaya farmer; environmental consultant; purchasing specialist; economic development specialist; economic development director and energy coordinator.

His diverse background included preparing biological surveys, environmental assessments and environmental impact statements, running an aquaculture operation with an off-grid hydroelectric system and being appointed Director of Economic Development from 1991-1994. In the aftermath of Hurricane Iniki in 1992, he secured over $15 million in Economic Development Administration Federal Disaster Aid grants for economic recovery efforts. Funds were used for construction of the Fruitfly Disinfestation Facility, Kaua’i Resource Center, Waimea Theatre restoration, Waimea Technology Center, Kekaha Agriculture Park and the production of an Overall Economic Development Plan for Kauai.

As Energy Coordinator, he initiated the County’s first public bus system, a used oil collection program, and implemented the first government Energy Savings Performance Contract in the state in 1995. Glenn describes his past position as multi-faceted, covering areas such as Public Utilities Commission dockets and investigations; energy efficiency; renewable energy; recycling and re-use; energy emergency preparedness and grant writing. His most rewarding and challenging project to date was the installation of a 10.4 kW photovoltaic power system for Ni’ihau School in 2007. This particular project used federal funds to provide solar power for a state school located on a private island, which was coordinated by the county because the state was ineligible to apply for or receive this particular U.S Dept. of Agriculture grant. Glenn also closed out his role as Energy Coordinator with the installation an 84 kW PV system at the L?hu‘e Civic Center, a 26 kW PV system at the Kai?kea Fire Station in Kapa‘a and the purchase of 5 electric cars and the installation of 10 charging stations at county facilities.

Glenn is currently developing Kaua‘i’s sustainability program with the creation of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. This will be followed by a Kauai Government Operations Action Plan to improve energy and resource use. Improvements and successes for the government program over time will use verifiable metrics as key indicators. A longer-term goal is to develop a sustainability plan for the island of Kaua‘i. Glenn has been with the County for 24 years and looks forward to new challenges as its first Sustainability Manager.

Sustainability Forums Co-Founders Jai Roberts and Linda Sherman

Jai Roberts
Jai Roberts owns Honua Lani Gardens and has been growing – and bringing to market – beautiful tropical flowers for many years without using any chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. She has always believed in creating living soil, composting, and teaching young people eco-friendly living techniques. Her Honua Lani Gardens hosts participants in the Willing Workers on Organic Farms worldwide program. One of her newest passions is her Garden Cart, where she shares the bounty of her gardens with her friends and neighbors.Jai is Club Service Director of the Kapaa Rotary Club and initiated the the chapter’s Green Giants awards program to find and honor the greenest person on Kauai. Find Jai on Twitter @Gardens4Life, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+,Facebook Profile and HonuaLani Facebook Page

Linda Sherman
A resident of Kauai since 2004 and passionate about sustainability, Linda Sherman is known as a multicultural marketing pro, bringing a distinguished background of international subsidiary CEO/CMO to her Social Marketing expertise. The Garden Island has published Linda’s Social Marketing column and she teaches at KCC-OCET. Linda built, search engine optimized and writes for this WordPress site as well as Our Best of Kauai, Boomer Tech Talk and It’s Different For Girls. Linda’s company, Courage Group specializes in providing digital film and innovative marketing programs including website development for companies on Kauai like Papalani Gelato and Turtle Cove Suites. Find Linda on Twitter @LindaSherman @KauaiTalk @BoomerTechTalk, and on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook Profile Google+

About Linda Sherman

International, multicultural marketing pro, Linda brings a distinguished background of international subsidiary CEO/CMO to her Social Marketing expertise. These include CEO Club Med Japan, Barilla Japan and CMO Wal-Mart Japan. Linda Sherman has been featured and quoted in Forbes, The New York Times, Christian Monitor and other leading publications. She devised and implemented an innovative guerrilla-marketing plan for ZIMA in Japan that produced a lasting, profitable success. Linda has hands-on technical skills in building and search optimizing WordPress websites and an influential on-line presence. Linda teaches social marketing for business at the University of Hawaii. Her company, The Courage Group, provides websites, digital film, branding and social marketing strategy and training.

Connect with Linda Sherman on Google+