Why Choose The Courage Group
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Entrusting your brand with an agency is an important decision. Here is a brief list of why you should choose The Courage Group over other companies and individuals offering similar services on Kauai. We can provide you with an extensive list of referrals.
- Professional Marketing for Leading Corporations – We Know Marketing
- High Level Management Experience – We Know Strategy and Understand Your Bottom Line
- In-House Design, Video and Photography from a Leading Pro
- Our Social Media Skills Runs Deep, We are Professional Trainers
- We Build Websites That Incorporate Your SEO and Social Marketing Needs
- Our Price Performance is Outstanding
- We’ve lived on Kauai since 2004 and We Are Here to Stay
- Cross-cultural sensitivity gained from working 20 years in Japan
Social Media Strategy and Training

The competitive landscape for reaching customers has changed dramatically over the past two years for businesses in Hawaii. Has your company done what is needed to continue to find and keep customers? … [Read More...]
Photography by Ray Gordon

We can shoot high resolution photographs for your print materials, or quality photographs optimized for fast display on electronic media. We emphasize detail, faithful color rendition and sharpness … [Read More...]

Social Media for Business 2016 Classes
Don't get left out. If you want to attract new customers, your small business or nonprofit on Kauai needs social media marketing tools. The Kauai arm of the University of Hawaii has your back. They have worked hard to offer affordable stand-alone classes on topics you need to know. These are … [Read More...]

Time to Update Your Passwords Again
Are you using strong passwords? Are you using different passwords for every site you use? It's time to make that happen. The world has just been hit again with another criminal theft of passwords, usernames and emails. This time by a Russian gang. Hold Security has just exposed the security … [Read More...]

Social Media for Business 2014 Classes
It is the time for New Years Resolutions and self improvement. It's a good time to get KCC-OCET Social Media for Business classes onto your schedule for 2014. These classes are fun, affordable and easy to fit into your schedule. You have no excuse. Our first series in 2014 ran January 29 to March … [Read More...]

Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Klout Score
All of my social media for business students and clients know about Klout, the measurement index for social media influence. I introduce them to their Klout score at the very beginning of our relationship. Why? Because for all the controversy about the accuracy of Klout, people do look at it. If you … [Read More...]

Rumble2012 Nox Solutions Tech Social Media Fail Case Study
A debate both entertaining and valuable took place today between Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately it was accompanied by a monumental tech and social media monitoring and reaction failure related to their paid live streaming internet solution. Earlier this week Kitchen Aid fielded … [Read More...]

How To Make a Facebook Page First Steps
Setting up a new Facebook Page can be somewhat daunting because Facebook does not allow you to preview what screens you will encounter before you get started. Here is your advance road map. To set up a new Facebook Fan Page, you must have a Facebook profile. Note that Facebook Pages are … [Read More...]

KCC OCET Social Media for Business Series with Linda Sherman
KCC OCET is a tremendous resource for residents of Kauai. If you haven't taken a course there yet, you certainly should look at doing so. You will find the OCET classrooms comfortable and well-equipped. As many of you know, bringing the voice of Kauai to the internet is a passion of mine. Many … [Read More...]

Why Your Business Should Be on Pinterest
The reasons your business should be on Pinterest include the opportunity to: - Extend your brand personality and story with images - Draw people to particular articles, pages or products on your website - Publicize your participation in a trade show - Engage with your brand advocates - Get … [Read More...]

Are You Ready For Facebook Brand Page Timeline
Here are some tips to help you with the transition to Timeline for Facebook Brand Pages. All Facebook Brand Pages will go to Timeline March 30th. I address some basic Facebook points and offer a few precautions at the end of this article for those of you who are still a bit fuzzy on Page versus … [Read More...]

BlogWorld Video Interviews and Great Memories
BlogWorld Expo is a conference where bloggers and would be bloggers gather to speak, learn and network. With over 100 sessions providing tips for businesses and organizations for both blogging and social media as well as special tracks for military, health and other special interests, there is … [Read More...]

Hawaii Social Media Summit Boasts Statewide Participation
The competitive landscape for marketing in Hawaii has changed. Recognizing this, attendees from a broad spectrum of industries in Hawaii came to the Hawaii Social Media Summit to learn more about social media marketing. The beautiful open-air Hawaii Convention Center made a lovely backdrop to … [Read More...]

Sustainability Forums Kauai Oct 11 Photos and Mahalo
Chris Jaeb, founder of Common Ground Kauai and Diann Hartman, Green Team Leader for the Grand Hyatt Kauai, Recipient for the Kapaa Rotary Club Green Giant Award for 2010 were the featured speakers for Sustainability Forums October 11, 2011. Both of the presentations were specific, inspiring and … [Read More...]
Linda Sherman Social Media Links