Kauai Sustainability Forums Launch Sizzles with Discussion

The launch meeting for the quarterly Kauai Sustainability Forums was held July 20th, 2011. Our next meeting is Tuesday October 11.

We were pleased to attract a group of people sincerely interested in and involved with sustainability on Kauai. There was ample time to get acquainted with each other as we arrived and then we heard from:

Jai Roberts: Sustainable Gardening
Felicia Cowden: Akami Backyard
Lee Roversi: News from North Country Farms
Ken Stokes: inter-institutional Sustainability Action Team
Linda Sherman: Social Media for Social Sustainability

This was followed by a lively discussion.
Diane Zachary, from the Kauai Planning and Action Alliance who was featured that day in MidWeek Kauai gave us an update on her work.

Amazingly, another of our attendees, agronomist Joe Sylvester was featured in the Garden Island the same day. We are so pleased that the quality of the people that are passionate about sustainability on Kauai is so high.

Morgan and Cher - Willing Workers at Honua Lani Gardens

Morgan and Cher - Willing Workers at Honua Lani Gardens

Lee Roversi presenting at Sustainability Forums Kauai Launch

Lee Roversi talking about North Country Farms

Felicia Cowden presenting at SKF, Diane Zachary in background

Felicia Cowden presenting, Diane Zachary in background

Ken Stokes Sustainability Forums Kauai

Ken Stokes on Inter-institutional Sustainability Action Team

Linda Sherman speaking at Sustainability Forums Kauai

Linda Sherman directing question to co-host Jai Roberts

Lee Morey and Joe Sylvester with Lee's Brother Bob (left)

Lee Morey and Joe Sylvester with Lee's Brother Bob (left)

Ken Stokes, Linda Sherman and Sue Dixon

Ken Stokes with Linda Sherman and Sue Dixon

Joshua and Scott attending Sustainability Forums Kauai launch party

Sustainability supporters Scott and Joshua

Frances Mead Messinger Frances Mead Messinger SFK

Frances Mead Messinger